Special School Apostolos Varnava Ammochostou is a special public school located in Liopetri with an attendance of 48 students ages 3 -21. The school offers individualized based educational programs and therapies for the students.

The school’s population varies from students with multiple disabilities, such as Cerebral palsy and/or mental retardation (mild to severe), to autistic spectrum disorders, learning difficulties and disabilities, physical and mobility difficulties, communication difficulties and behavior difficulties.

The professional team of the school consists of 26 teachers and therapists ( 1 principal, 1 vice principal, 8 special education teachers, 2 special physical education teachers, 3 speech and language pathologists, 4 occupational therapists, 4 physiotherapists, 1 music therapist, 1 psychologist and 1 woodcraft specialist) and 12 teacher assistants.

Each student has his/her own educational plan – IEP, which is prepared by the teacher and the therapists working with the student. Each IEP contains the goals for the students and is there to develop and grow the students’ abilities and capabilities covering the educational aspect of their lives as well as their social aspect.

The main target of the school’s program is to provide the necessary psychological, social, emotional, educational and professional training aiming for the students to become as independent as possible.

The school also offers various facilities such as hydrotherapy pool, sensory integration room, physical therapy room, music therapy room, a gym, kitchen, playground and a woodcraft workshop.

For more information, please visit our school's website:
